Initial setup

  1. Install package as usual.

  2. Change settings if required, see configuration reference for more details.

  3. Perform initial setup:

    sudo ahriman -a x86_64 -r aur-clone service-setup ...

    service-setup literally does the following steps:

    1. Create /var/lib/ahriman/.makepkg.conf with makepkg.conf overrides if required (at least you might want to set PACKAGER):

      echo 'PACKAGER="John Doe <>"' | sudo -u ahriman tee -a /var/lib/ahriman/.makepkg.conf
    2. Configure build tools (it is required for correct dependency management system):

      1. Create build command (you can choose any name for command, basically it should be {name}-{arch}-build):

        ln -s /usr/bin/archbuild /usr/local/bin/aur-clone-x86_64-build
      2. Create configuration file (same as previous {name}.conf):

        cp /usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/{extra,aur-clone}.conf
      3. Change configuration file, add your own repository, add multilib repository etc:

        echo '[multilib]' | tee -a /usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/aur-clone-x86_64.conf
        echo 'Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' | tee -a /usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/aur-clone-x86_64.conf
        echo '[aur-clone]' | tee -a /usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/aur-clone-x86_64.conf
        echo 'SigLevel = Optional TrustAll' | tee -a /usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/aur-clone-x86_64.conf
        echo 'Server = file:///var/lib/ahriman/repository/$repo/$arch' | tee -a /usr/share/devtools/pacman.conf.d/aur-clone-x86_64.conf
      4. Set build_command option to point to your command:

        echo '[build]' | tee -a /etc/ahriman.ini.d/build.ini
        echo 'build_command = aur-clone-x86_64-build' | tee -a /etc/ahriman.ini.d/build.ini
      5. Configure /etc/sudoers.d/ahriman to allow running command without a password:

        echo 'Cmnd_Alias CARCHBUILD_CMD = /usr/local/bin/aur-clone-x86_64-build *' | tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/ahriman
        echo 'ahriman ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: CARCHBUILD_CMD' | tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/ahriman
        chmod 400 /etc/sudoers.d/ahriman

      This command supports several arguments, kindly refer to its help message.

  4. Start and enable ahriman@.timer via systemctl:

    systemctl enable --now ahriman@x86_64-aur-clone.timer
  5. Start and enable status page:

    systemctl enable --now ahriman-web
  6. Add packages by using ahriman package-add {package} command:

    sudo -u ahriman ahriman package-add ahriman --now --refresh

    The --refresh flag is required in order to handle local database update.