
Some groups can be specified for each architecture and/or repository separately. E.g. if there are build and build:x86_64 groups it will use an option from build:x86_64 for the x86_64 architecture and build for any other (architecture specific group has higher priority). In case if both groups are presented, architecture specific options will be merged into global ones overriding them. The order which will be used for option resolution is the following:

  1. Repository and architecture specific, e.g. build:aur-clone:x86_64.

  2. Repository specific, e.g. build:aur-clone.

  3. Architecture specific, e.g. build:x86_64.

  4. Default section, e.g. build.

There are two variable types which have been added to default ones, they are paths and lists. List values will be read in the same way as shell does:

  • By default, it splits value by spaces excluding empty elements.

  • In case if quotation mark (" or ') will be found, any spaces inside will be ignored.

  • In order to use quotation mark inside value it is required to put it to another quotation mark, e.g. wor"'"d "with quote" will be parsed as ["wor'd", "with quote"] and vice versa.

  • Unclosed quotation mark is not allowed and will rise an exception.

Path values, except for casting to pathlib.Path type, will be also expanded to absolute paths relative to the configuration path. E.g. if path is set to ahriman.ini.d/logging.ini and root configuration path is /etc/ahriman.ini, the value will be expanded to /etc/ahriman.ini.d/logging.ini. In order to disable path expand, use the full path, e.g. /etc/ahriman.ini.d/logging.ini.

Configuration allows string interpolation from environment variables, e.g.:

key = $SECRET

will try to read value from SECRET environment variable. In case if the required environment variable wasn’t found, it will keep original value (i.e. $SECRET in the example). Dollar sign can be set as $$.

There is also additional subcommand which will allow to validate configuration and print found errors. In order to do so, run service-config-validate subcommand, e.g.:

ahriman service-config-validate

It will check current settings on common errors and compare configuration with known schema.

settings group

Base configuration settings.

  • apply_migrations - perform database migrations on the application start, boolean, optional, default yes. Useful if you are using git version. Note, however, that this option must be changed only if you know what to do and going to handle migrations manually.

  • database - path to the application SQLite database, string, required.

  • include - path to directory with configuration files overrides, string, optional. Files will be read in alphabetical order.

  • logging - path to logging configuration, string, required. Check logging.ini for reference.

alpm:* groups

libalpm and AUR related configuration. Group name can refer to architecture, e.g. alpm:x86_64 can be used for x86_64 architecture specific settings.

  • database - path to pacman system database cache, string, required.

  • mirror - package database mirror used by pacman for synchronization, string, required. This option supports standard pacman substitutions with $arch and $repo. Note that the mentioned mirror should contain all repositories which are set by alpm.repositories option.

  • repositories - list of pacman repositories, used for package search, space separated list of strings, required.

  • root - root for alpm library, string, required. In the most cases it must point to the system root.

  • use_ahriman_cache - use local pacman package cache instead of system one, boolean, required. With this option enabled you might want to refresh database periodically (available as additional flag for some subcommands). If set to no, databases must be synchronized manually.

auth group

Base authorization settings. OAuth provider requires aioauth-client library to be installed.

  • target - specifies authorization provider, string, optional, default disabled. Allowed values are disabled, configuration, oauth.

  • allow_read_only - allow requesting status APIs without authorization, boolean, required.

  • client_id - OAuth2 application client ID, string, required in case if oauth is used.

  • client_secret - OAuth2 application client secret key, string, required in case if oauth is used.

  • cookie_secret_key - secret key which will be used for cookies encryption, string, optional. It must be 32 bytes URL-safe base64-encoded and can be generated as following base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(32)).decode("utf8"). If not set, it will be generated automatically; note, however, that in this case, all sessions will be automatically invalidated during the service restart.

  • max_age - parameter which controls both cookie expiration and token expiration inside the service in seconds, integer, optional, default is 7 days.

  • oauth_icon - OAuth2 login button icon, string, optional, default is google. Must be valid Bootstrap icon name.

  • oauth_provider - OAuth2 provider class name as is in aioauth-client (e.g. GoogleClient, GithubClient etc), string, required in case if oauth is used.

  • oauth_scopes - scopes list for OAuth2 provider, which will allow retrieving user email (which is used for checking user permissions), e.g. for GoogleClient or user:email for GithubClient, space separated list of strings, required in case if oauth is used.

  • salt - additional password hash salt, string, optional.

Authorized users are stored inside internal database, if any of external providers (e.g. oauth) are used, the password field for non-service users must be empty.

build:* groups

Build related configuration. Group name can refer to architecture, e.g. build:x86_64 can be used for x86_64 architecture specific settings.

  • archbuild_flags - additional flags passed to archbuild command, space separated list of strings, optional.

  • build_command - default build command, string, required.

  • ignore_packages - list packages to ignore during a regular update (manual update will still work), space separated list of strings, optional.

  • include_debug_packages - distribute debug packages, boolean, optional, default yes.

  • makepkg_flags - additional flags passed to makepkg command, space separated list of strings, optional.

  • makechrootpkg_flags - additional flags passed to makechrootpkg command, space separated list of strings, optional.

  • triggers - list of ahriman.core.triggers.Trigger class implementation (e.g. ahriman.core.upload.UploadTrigger) which will be loaded and run at the end of processing, space separated list of strings, optional. You can also specify triggers by their paths, e.g. /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ahriman/core/report/ Triggers are run in the order of definition.

  • triggers_known - optional list of ahriman.core.triggers.Trigger class implementations which are not run automatically and used only for trigger discovery and configuration validation.

  • vcs_allowed_age - maximal age in seconds of the VCS packages before their version will be updated with its remote source, integer, optional, default is 7 days.

  • workers - list of worker nodes addresses used for build process, space separated list of strings, optional. Each worker address must be valid and reachable URL, e.g. If none set, the build process will be run on the current node. There is also special trigger which loads this value based on the list of the discovered nodes.

repository group

Base repository settings.

  • root - root path for application, string, required.

sign:* groups

Settings for signing packages or repository. Group name can refer to architecture, e.g. sign:x86_64 can be used for x86_64 architecture specific settings.

  • target - configuration flag to enable signing, space separated list of strings, required. Allowed values are package (sign each package separately), repository (sign repository database file).

  • key - default PGP key, string, required. This key will also be used for database signing if enabled.

status group

Reporting to web service related settings. In most cases there is fallback to web section settings.

  • enabled - enable reporting to web service, boolean, optional, default yes for backward compatibility.

  • address - remote web service address with protocol, string, optional. In case of websocket, the http+unix scheme and URL encoded address (e.g. %2Fvar%2Flib%2Fahriman for /var/lib/ahriman) must be used, e.g. http+unix://%2Fvar%2Flib%2Fahriman%2Fsocket. In case if none set, it will be guessed from web section.

  • password - password to authorize in web service in order to update service status, string, required in case if authorization enabled.

  • suppress_http_log_errors - suppress HTTP log errors, boolean, optional, default no. If set to yes, any HTTP log errors (e.g. if web server is not available, but HTTP logging is enabled) will be suppressed.

  • timeout - HTTP request timeout in seconds, integer, optional, default is 30.

  • username - username to authorize in web service in order to update service status, string, required in case if authorization enabled.

web group

Web server settings. This feature requires aiohttp libraries to be installed.

  • address - optional address in form proto://host:port (port can be omitted in case of default proto ports), will be used instead of http://{host}:{port} in case if set, string, optional. This option is required in case if OAuth provider is used.

  • enable_archive_upload - allow to upload packages via HTTP (i.e. call of /api/v1/service/upload uri), boolean, optional, default no.

  • host - host to bind, string, optional.

  • index_url - full URL of the repository index page, string, optional.

  • max_body_size - max body size in bytes to be validated for archive upload, integer, optional. If not set, validation will be disabled.

  • port - port to bind, integer, optional.

  • service_only - disable status routes (including logs), boolean, optional, default no.

  • static_path - path to directory with static files, string, required.

  • templates - path to templates directories, space separated list of strings, required.

  • unix_socket - path to the listening unix socket, string, optional. If set, server will create the socket on the specified address which can (and will) be used by application. Note, that unlike usual host/port configuration, unix socket allows to perform requests without authorization.

  • unix_socket_unsafe - set unsafe (o+w) permissions to unix socket, boolean, optional, default yes. This option is enabled by default, because it is supposed that unix socket is created in safe environment (only web service is supposed to be used in unsafe), but it can be disabled by configuration.

  • wait_timeout - wait timeout in seconds, maximum amount of time to be waited before lock will be free, integer, optional.

keyring group

Keyring package generator plugin.

  • target - list of generator settings sections, space separated list of strings, required. It must point to valid section name.

Keyring generator plugin

  • type - type of the generator, string, optional, must be set to keyring-generator if exists.

  • description - keyring package description, string, optional, default is repo PGP keyring, where repo is the repository name.

  • homepage - URL to homepage location if any, string, optional.

  • license - list of licenses which are applied to this package, space separated list of strings, optional, default is Unlicense.

  • package - keyring package name, string, optional, default is repo-keyring, where repo is the repository name.

  • packagers - list of packagers keys, space separated list of strings, optional, if not set, the user keys from database will be used.

  • revoked - list of revoked packagers keys, space separated list of strings, optional.

  • trusted - list of master keys, space separated list of strings, optional, if not set, the key option from sign group will be used.

mirrorlist group

Mirrorlist package generator plugin.

  • target - list of generator settings sections, space separated list of strings, required. It must point to valid section name.

Mirrorlist generator plugin

  • type - type of the generator, string, optional, must be set to mirrorlist-generator if exists.

  • description - mirrorlist package description, string, optional, default is repo mirror list for use by pacman, where repo is the repository name.

  • homepage - URL to homepage location if any, string, optional.

  • license - list of licenses which are applied to this package, space separated list of strings, optional, default is Unlicense.

  • package - mirrorlist package name, string, optional, default is repo-mirrorlist, where repo is the repository name.

  • path - absolute path to generated mirrorlist file, string, optional, default is /etc/pacman.d/repo-mirrorlist, where repo is the repository name.

  • servers - list of repository mirrors, space separated list of strings, required.

remote-pull group

Remote git source synchronization settings. Unlike Upload triggers those triggers are used for PKGBUILD synchronization - fetch from remote repository PKGBUILDs before updating process.

It supports authorization; to do so you’d need to prefix the URL with authorization part, e.g. It is highly recommended to use application tokens instead of your user authorization details. Alternatively, you can use any other option supported by git, e.g.:

  • by SSH key: generate SSH key as ahriman user and put public part of it to the repository keys.

  • by git credentials helper: consult with the related man page.

Available options are:

  • target - list of remote pull triggers to be used, space separated list of strings, optional, defaults to gitremote. It must point to valid section (or to section with architecture), e.g. gitremote must point to either gitremote or gitremote:x86_64 (the one with architecture has higher priority).

Remote pull trigger

  • pull_url - URL of the remote repository from which PKGBUILDs can be pulled before build process, string, required.

  • pull_branch - branch of the remote repository from which PKGBUILDs can be pulled before build process, string, optional, default is master.

remote-push group

Remote git source synchronization settings. Same as remote pull triggers those triggers are used for PKGBUILD synchronization - push updated PKGBUILDs to the remote repository after build process.

It supports authorization; to do so you’d need to prefix the URL with authorization part, e.g. It is highly recommended to use application tokens instead of your user authorization details. Alternatively, you can use any other option supported by git, e.g.:

  • by SSH key: generate SSH key as ahriman user and put public part of it to the repository keys.

  • by git credentials helper: consult with the related man page.

Available options are:

  • target - list of remote push triggers to be used, space separated list of strings, optional, defaults to gitremote. It must point to valid section (or to section with architecture), e.g. gitremote must point to either gitremote or gitremote:x86_64 (the one with architecture has higher priority).

Remote push trigger

  • commit_email - git commit email, string, optional, default is ahriman@localhost.

  • commit_user - git commit user, string, optional, default is ahriman.

  • push_url - URL of the remote repository to which PKGBUILDs should be pushed after build process, string, required.

  • push_branch - branch of the remote repository to which PKGBUILDs should be pushed after build process, string, optional, default is master.

report group

Report generation settings.

  • target - list of reports to be generated, space separated list of strings, required. It must point to valid section (or to section with architecture), e.g. somerandomname must point to existing section, email must point to either email or email:x86_64 (the one with architecture has higher priority).

Type will be read from several sources:

  • In case if type option set inside the section, it will be used.

  • Otherwise, it will look for type from section name removing architecture name.

  • And finally, it will use section name as type.

console type

Section name must be either console (plus optional architecture name, e.g. console:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the report, string, optional, must be set to console if exists.

  • use_utf - use utf8 symbols in output if set and ascii otherwise, boolean, optional, default yes.

email type

Section name must be either email (plus optional architecture name, e.g. email:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the report, string, optional, must be set to email if exists.

  • homepage - link to homepage, string, optional.

  • host - SMTP host for sending emails, string, required.

  • link_path - prefix for HTML links, string, required.

  • no_empty_report - skip report generation for empty packages list, boolean, optional, default yes.

  • password - SMTP password to authenticate, string, optional.

  • port - SMTP port for sending emails, integer, required.

  • receivers - SMTP receiver addresses, space separated list of strings, required.

  • sender - SMTP sender address, string, required.

  • ssl - SSL mode for SMTP connection, one of ssl, starttls, disabled, optional, default disabled.

  • template - Jinja2 template name, string, required.

  • template_full - Jinja2 template name for full package description index, string, optional.

  • templates - path to templates directories, space separated list of strings, required.

  • user - SMTP user to authenticate, string, optional.

html type

Section name must be either html (plus optional architecture name, e.g. html:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the report, string, optional, must be set to html if exists.

  • homepage - link to homepage, string, optional.

  • link_path - prefix for HTML links, string, required.

  • path - path to html report file, string, required.

  • template - Jinja2 template name, string, required.

  • templates - path to templates directories, space separated list of strings, required.

remote-call type

Section name must be either remote-call (plus optional architecture name, e.g. remote-call:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the report, string, optional, must be set to remote-call if exists.

  • aur - check for AUR packages updates, boolean, optional, default no.

  • local - check for local packages updates, boolean, optional, default no.

  • manual - update manually built packages, boolean, optional, default no.

  • wait_timeout - maximum amount of time in seconds to be waited before remote process will be terminated, integer, optional, default -1.

telegram type

Section name must be either telegram (plus optional architecture name, e.g. telegram:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the report, string, optional, must be set to telegram if exists.

  • api_key - telegram bot API key, string, required. Please refer FAQ about how to create chat and bot

  • chat_id - telegram chat id, either string with @ or integer value, required.

  • homepage - link to homepage, string, optional.

  • link_path - prefix for HTML links, string, required.

  • template - Jinja2 template name, string, required.

  • template_type - parse_mode to be passed to telegram API, one of MarkdownV2, HTML, Markdown, string, optional, default HTML.

  • templates - path to templates directories, space separated list of strings, required.

  • timeout - HTTP request timeout in seconds, integer, optional, default is 30.

upload group

Remote synchronization settings.

  • target - list of synchronizations to be used, space separated list of strings, required. It must point to valid section (or to section with architecture), e.g. somerandomname must point to existing section, github must point to one of github of github:x86_64 (with architecture it has higher priority).

Type will be read from several sources:

  • In case if type option set inside the section, it will be used.

  • Otherwise, it will look for type from section name removing architecture name.

  • And finally, it will use section name as type.

github type

This feature requires GitHub key creation (see below). Section name must be either github (plus optional architecture name, e.g. github:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the upload, string, optional, must be set to github if exists.

  • owner - GitHub repository owner, string, required.

  • password - created GitHub API key. In order to create it do the following:

    1. Go to settings page.

    2. Switch to developers settings.

    3. Switch to personal access tokens.

    4. Generate new token. Required scope is public_repo (or repo for private repository support).

  • repository - GitHub repository name, string, required. Repository must be created before any action and must have active branch (e.g. with readme).

  • timeout - HTTP request timeout in seconds, integer, optional, default is 30.

  • use_full_release_name - if set to yes, the release will contain both repository name and architecture, and only architecture otherwise, boolean, optional, default no (legacy behavior).

  • username - GitHub authorization user, string, required. Basically the same as owner.

remote-service type

Section name must be either remote-service (plus optional architecture name, e.g. remote-service:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the report, string, optional, must be set to remote-service if exists.

  • timeout - HTTP request timeout in seconds, integer, optional, default is 30.

rsync type

Requires rsync package to be installed. Do not forget to configure ssh for user ahriman. Section name must be either rsync (plus optional architecture name, e.g. rsync:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the upload, string, optional, must be set to rsync if exists.

  • command - rsync command to run, space separated list of string, required.

  • remote - remote server to rsync (e.g., string, required.

s3 type

Requires boto3 library to be installed. Section name must be either s3 (plus optional architecture name, e.g. s3:x86_64) or random name with type set.

  • type - type of the upload, string, optional, must be set to s3 if exists.

  • access_key - AWS access key ID, string, required.

  • bucket - bucket name (e.g. bucket), string, required.

  • chunk_size - chunk size for calculating entity tags, integer, optional, default 8 * 1024 * 1024.

  • object_path - path prefix for stored objects, string, optional. If none set, the prefix as in repository tree will be used.

  • region - bucket region (e.g. eu-central-1), string, required.

  • secret_key - AWS secret access key, string, required.

worker group

This section controls settings for ahriman.core.distributed.WorkerTrigger plugin.

  • address - address of the instance, string, required. Must be reachable for the master instance.

  • identifier - unique identifier of the instance, string, optional.

  • time_to_live - amount of time which remote worker will be considered alive in seconds, integer, optional, default is 60. The ping interval will be set automatically equal this value divided by 4.